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Liên Hệ


Khối CPU 5120 I/O max.

  • Bộ nhớ chương trình: 60K steps
  • Vùng nhớ dữ liệu (DM): 128K words
  • Ngôn ngữ lập trình: Ladder diagrams; FC (sequential function charts); ST (structured text); Mnemonics
  • Tốc độ xử ly: Lệnh cơ bản: 0.02 μs min.; Lệnh cao cấp: 0.04 μs min.
  • Cổng truyền thông: Trang bị sẵn Peripheral và RS232C
  • Chức năng thời gian thực (Clock)
  • I/O Area: 5,120: CIO 000000 to CIO 031915 (320 words from CIO 0000 to CIO0319)
  • Link Area: 3,200 (200 words): CIO 10000 to CIO 119915 (words CIO 1000 to CIO1199)
  • CS1 CPU Bus Area: 6,400 (400 words): CIO 150000 to CIO 189915 (words CIO 1500 to CIO1899)
  • Special I/O Unit Area: 15,360 (960 words): CIO 200000 to CIO 295915 (words CIO 2000 to CIO 2959)
  • Inner Board Area: 1,600 (100 words): CIO 190000 to CIO 199915 (words CIO 1900 to CIO1999)
  • SYSMAC BUS Area: 800 (50 words): CIO 300000 to CIO 304915 (words CIO 3000 to CIO3049)
  • I/O Terminal Area: 512 (32 words): CIO 310000 to CIO 313115 (words CIO 3100 to CIO3131)
  • DeviceNet/PROFIBUS-DP Area: 1,600 (100 words):Outputs: CIO005000 to CIO009915 (words CIO0050 to CIO0099)
  • PC Link Area: 64 bits (4 words): CIO027400 to CIO025015 (words CIO0247 to CIO0250)
  • Internal I/O Area: 4,800 (300 words): CIO 120000 to CIO 149915 (words CIO 1200 to CIO 1499)
  • Work Area: 8,192 bits (512 words): W00000 to W51115 (words W000 to W511)
  • Holding Area: 8,192 bits (512 words): H00000 to H51115 (words H000 to H511)
  • Auxiliary Area: Read only: 7,168 bits (448 words): A00000 to A44715 (words A000 to A447); Read/write: 8,192 bits (512 words): A44800 to A95915 (words A448 to A959)
  • Temporary Area: 16 bits (TR00 to TR15)
  • Timer Area: 4,096: T0000 to T4095 (used for timers only)
  • Counter Area: 4,096: C0000 to C4095 (used for counters only)
  • DM Area: 32 kWords: D00000 to D32767
  • EM Area: 32 kWords per bank, 13 banks max.: E0_00000 to EC_32767 max.
  • Data Registers: DR0 to DR15
  • Index Registers: IR0 to IR15
  • Task Flag Area: 32 (TK0000 to TK0031)
  • Trace Memory: 4,000 words
  • File Memory: EM file memory: Part of EM Area can be converted to file memory (MS-DOS format); CompactFlash Memory Cards

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